I want to be an AME … what will my salary be?

December 17, 2020

The Globe & Mail writes an article about AME job salary expectations, from March 2020…
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Article Synopsis:

Traditionally, AMEs specialize in one of three areas: maintenance, structures and avionics, which refers to electrical systems. “Increasingly, with larger operators, those three trades are becoming merged, and the work that an aviation maintenance engineer has to do crosses over the traditional demarcation of those trades…”

Salary: According to the Canadian job aggregate website Neuvoo, AMEs in Canada earn a median annual salary of about $58,200. Entry-level positions start at roughly $29,600 annually, while more seasoned professionals earn an average of about $81,750 a year. “.. AMEs can continue expanding their credentials, which typically results in higher wages. “The more aircrafts you’re certified to work on, the more experience you have, the higher your pay…” Note: While many AMEs work 9 to 5, most begin their career working irregular hours…”