U.S. Tech. in Air & Water

June 15, 2020

Can you imagine the look on people’s faces when they realize that many sightings for strange flying vehicles might even be our own? — Some scientists claim we have been visited for years by UFOs, while others say we are seeing our own high-tech. machines in the sky — Sounds far fetched, but is it?
Since the Roswell and Aztec sightings of the late ’40s, stories abound that we have been, and are being visited by high-tech. entities. Could it be that Bob Lazar was telling us the truth about a program at Area-51 that worked to reverse engineer some crashed interplanetary ships? Did the New York Times expose our very own super-fast military technologies in their reports about UFOs within the last 5 years? (see Gimbel and Tic-Tac videos on YouTube)
If Lazar’s claims are true, is it also not possible that the U.S. Navy does have technologies that stretch our imaginations? Trump wants disclosure about the Secret Space Program. — So, we do wonder, what is the truth !!??

Have a look at these ideas, and make up your own conclusions – the concepts may be “out there” to some of you, but they do make you ponder the possibilities of flight and the theories of electromagnetic propulsion:

Doctor Michael Salla speaks – U.S. Navy advancements

The New Wonders of Doctor Salvatore Cezar Pais – Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Craft